Tech Spot

Sunday, June 05, 2005

When the burglar sues

As I was doing my usual online "surfing" reading/glancing through numerous tech e-newsletters and articles, there was this article on ZDNet with a shocking title "Microsoft seeks protection from spyware firms."

There are two parts in that title which made my jaw drop:
  1. Mighty Microsoft is seeking protection! If the elephant feels he's not strong enough to squash little bugs, what's left for us, the very little birds that, we like it or not, ride on its back? Is there even a chance of survival for us?
  2. The pesty spyware firms which suffocate computers, draining all their processing resources and slowing them to a halting screech (one of their "side" effects), hated by all and threatened even by Congressional bills, are counterattacking by suing those who remove them or provide tools to do so!
Correct me if I'm wrong but this is just like those cases when the burglar sues the owner of the house she's burglarizing after he trips and falls! What have we become? Why does the legal system have so many holes to allow such idiotic opportunities?

I admit it Mr. Spyware writer, I'm guilty, I've spent a few hours killing your filthy leaches mercilessly from clients' computers! Yes, it was a tough battle as your rogue programming was, and still is, quite good and just wouldn't die. But in the end, I managed to win, armed with a few tools by good people you're trying to sue now. You do have good programming skills, but I'm not sure why you use them to do such harm to unsuspecting computer users, tracking all their activity, stealing their username/password and personal info, covering their screens with a gazillion pop-ups, etc. To me, you're nothing but scum!

I assume by now you are guessing what my Hollywood-borrowed reply to your threats: So sue me! I'll still continue to fight you!

Link to that article I mentioned.